Embark on an exhilarating adventure with Shelby Stanger as she hosts "Wild Ideas Worth Living." Through captivating interviews with adventurers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders, Stanger dives deep into the transformative power of adventure and nature. From inspiring stories of resilience and courage to practical tips and motivational insights, this podcast will ignite your passion for embracing new experiences. Join Stanger as she explores surfing, mountaineering, and other awe-inspiring journeys, leaving you feeling inspired and motivated to pursue your own wild ideas. Get ready to break out of your comfort zone and unleash your inner adventurer with "Wild Ideas Worth Living."
Episode SponsorFullCast – https://fullcast.co/
Key Takeaways“I loved the interview part of journalism the best. I wish I could just do interviews without writing the stories, but there was no medium for that. And then I listened to podcasts, and I loved Tim Ferriss's show, but I'd always wished he'd interviewed more women and talked about adventure because that's my love language.”
“I think surfing is just a really unique activity. It demands you to be present, demands you to go with the flow. And you're never going to be that good at it unless you're really lucky.”
“I used to think you needed to claw your way up a mountain and no, let go and surrender to the elements and the forces around you. If it's meant to happen, it will. You just have to have a little bit more grace. So that's probably the biggest thing I've changed my mind about, like, not efforting as much, more like going with the flow. Your Ego Is Not Your Amigo, Let Go & Surrender”
Connect With ShelbyShelby's Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelby-stanger/
Shelby's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shelbystanger/
Shelby's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ShelbyStangerProductions/
Shelby's Twitter - https://twitter.com/ShelbyPodcasts
Shelby's Email - Shelby@ShelbyStanger.com
Shelby's Website - https://shelbystanger.com/will-to-wild
Resources Mentioned1. Vans Warp Tour - https://www.vanswarpedtour.com/
2. REI (Recreational...