Founder & CEO of YogaHealer & Yoga Health Coaching, Cate Stillman joins the show to discuss her work as an innovative Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher and health coach. Cate is the author of four books, including Body Thrive and Master Of You. Today, Harry and Cate engage in a rich dialogue on digital content marketing, positive stressor habits and what it means to be living on purpose. Cate expounds on her work guiding people to live their unique greater purpose, how she’s grown as a podcaster and one of her most exciting focuses currently, urine therapy.
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Key Takeaways06:33 – Cate Stillman joins the show to discuss Digital Content Marketing, her podcast origin story and her passion for yoga
15:23 – How Ayurvedic wisdom and yoga teachings transformed Cate’s life
20:19 – Big awakenings and the problem with conventional culture
29:20 – Problematic messaging surrounding Covid and tips for reducing inflammation
38:36 – Intermittent fasting
44:13 – Other positive stressor habits to form
48:34 – How Cate has grown as a podcast host and interviewer
53:12 – Evergreen content & Cate’s books
1:03:15 – Harry and Cate discuss rebranding
1:07:22 – Something Cate has changed her mind about recently and the most misunderstood thing about her
1:11:09 – Harry thanks Cate for joining the show and let’s listeners know where they can connect with her
Tweetable Quotes“So, in the East, that responsibility is on you. You’re the Divine. You are in the seat of the Creator. What are you gonna do with it? And, because you are the Creator, who you are is intrinsically evolution. So you are the whole and you are separate.” (16:39) (Cate)
“If we actually look at the habits of modern culture - or what I call conventional culture - the habits of conventional culture leads to chronic inflammation which leads to chronic disease which is the number one killer worldwide.” (24:48) (Cate)
“The people who are already turned on got more turned on. There are a few people who are getting turned on who got more turned on. The problem was that the narrative in the media globally was the message that you’re the victim of a virus, which is largely known as Germ Theory.” (30:39) (Cate)
“These habits that re-wild us are the ones that really turn on our physiology and our neuroplasticity. They’re called positive stressor habits. Not all stress is the same. Some stress is when you do the hard thing and that hard thing makes you smarter and more able to do hard things in your life, which really changes the outlook of your future.” (44:39) (Cate)
“Urine therapy goes way back. The Buddha talked about it. It’s in the three main ancient Ayurvedic texts from about 2,000 years ago. It’s one of those things that once you’re in the know and you get it, you see the entire world differently.” (1:08:30) (Cate)
Resources MentionedYoga Healer Website –
Cate’s LinkedIn –
Cate’s Facebook –
Cate’s Instagram –