This episode, I speak with Jack Rhysider, host of DarkNet Diaries. We discuss the evolution of technology, and the rise of AI. Jack's passion for audio storytelling shone through as he shared how he crafts each episode of DarkNet Diaries, uncovering riveting stories of cybersecurity. We covered branding in podcasting, the impact of unique artwork, and how exciting collaborations arise in the podcasting world. We also dove into privacy concerns, China's ownership of TikTok, and the implications of data collection. Jack shared his insights on cybersecurity's impact on society and individuals, the importance of privacy in our tech-driven world, and what the future holds for DarkNet Diaries. Join us for this captivating (and sometimes scary) adventure through the realms of technology, podcasts, and privacy.
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Key Takeaways0:02:14 - AOL's Attempt to Control Internet Access
0:06:45 - No-Code and AI Tools Evolution
0:10:20 - The Advantages of AI in Healthcare
0:16:18 - Endless Stories in Cybersecurity
0:22:41 - Journalists and Storytelling Opportunities
0:25:32 - Concerns About Privacy and Data Breaches
0:32:56 - Navigating Privacy and Cybersecurity Challenges
0:37:08 - Inspiring Online Privacy and Career Paths
Tweetable Quotes"Even today, if you ask people what's the internet, they're going to say Google or a website. But there's more to it. I mean, Zoom isn't Google, right? The phone calls aren't Google, like there's a lot of things that are going on on the internet."
"I think the era of, I'm going to go to school and I'm going to get a job, and I'm going to have that job for life is over. We have to redefine ourselves every five or ten years and get a whole new skill set, because technology is advancing in a rapid way and it's not something you can just set for your life anymore."
"The 2000s is where we really ruined our privacy and it's going to take us decades to put that back together. Even when you trust a company like your healthcare provider, and then they have a data breach and now China knows everything about your health records, it's like why is this even a thing?"
Resources MentionedOut on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio by Jessica Abel - Masters/dp/0385348436
Extreme Privacy: What It Takes to Disappear by Michael Bazzell - America/dp/1093757620
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