Steve Martin is Dr. Hfuhruhur (It's pronounced just like it's spelled.) a world famous brain surgeon and inventor of the Screw Top Zip Lock brain surgery. After accidently hitting a woman, played by Kathleen Turner, and saving her life with his radical surgical techniques, Dr. Hfuhruhur falls in love with her. Married life doesn't agree with him, as she's a femme fatale with a string of dead husbands and he's next. Enter Ann Uumellmahaye, who's a perfect match for the Doctor, but with one small setback. She's a brain in a jar. What will he do? On the one hand is a wife with the perfect body and on the other is a jar containing the perfect mind. Can Dr. Hfuhruhur figure out a way to have both?
Besides the film this episode host Wyndham Jennings discusses upcoming films he wants to see, other movies he watched this week, and delves into the history of the Brain in A Jar Trope and the real life events that inspired it. So come in, sit down, and let him convince you to try this film out. You never know, the film you haven't heard of, may become your new favorite.