This week we travel back to the 80s for a pair of Horror-Comedies made by the team behind Friday the 13th. House sees writer Roger Cobb dealing with metaphorical, and literal, ghosts from his experiences in the Vietnam War while trying to solve the mystery behind his son's disappearance. Then we head across the street for House II, which has a young man inheriting his Great-Great Grandpa's house complete with Mayan warriors, puppy-caterpillar hybrids, pterodactyls, and his zombified Great-Great Grandpa! Can he retrieve a mystic crystal skull and get justice for his murdered parents? Who knows?
Join host Wyndham Jennings as he talks about the making of the films, the way they reflect America's changing look at the after effects of war on soldiers, and the mystery of Bill Maher's success on a new episode of Celluloid Fever Dreams!
Films mentioned in this episode: Carrie, Toy Story, Problem Child, Prisoners of the Lost Universe, Gung Ho, But I'm a Cheerleader