To celebrate our move to Thursdays, and April Fools, we're doing a theme month. Every episode featuring a different film that imitates the style and tropes of an earlier decade, Pastiche films in other words. For our first episode this month we're talking about The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001) a loving sendup of low budget 50s sci-fi and horror films.
This film has it all. Aliens! Mutants! Psychic Skeletons! Science! Amish Terrariums! Made in some of the same locations as films like Robot Monster, Larry Blamire and company make a pitch perfect black and white film that would blend right in with anything on MST3K or Rifftrax. We break down all the things they got right, and a few missteps along the way before answering the most important question in film: Is it entertaining? So join host Wyndham Jennings for another look at a forgotten cinematic classic on Celluloid Fever Dreams, where the films you haven't heard of get turned into your new favorites.