This podcast episode highlights the need to use innovative clinical trial designs in the era of increasingly personalized medicine in hematology. Listen to Dr Jurjen Versluis from Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, discuss his research on this topic.
As the amount of novel targeted drugs is increasing, and treatments lead to increasingly better survival outcomes, we need to think about new, adaptive designs that will result in impactful trials in shorter time. Follow Dr Versluis as he explains the different designs and methods that can be used to estimate whether trial will be efficacious or futile before its completion.
The combination of clinical trials with data from existing real-world registries, such as HARMONY or Dutch Cancer Society datasets, may also be an alternative to standard designs. By using examples of trials run by HOVON, the Dutch Hemato-oncology Foundation, Dr Versluis provides additional depth to the discussion.
Guest: Dr Jurjen Versluis
This episode is part of a series of lectures recorded at the EHA congress in Madrid in June 2024. This podcast containing accompanying slide content is available as a video on Spotify, YouTube, and EHA Campus. More lectures will be available in the future. Stay tuned!
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