Our guests Dr Anastasia Conti, Assoc Prof Maria Paola Martelli and Dr Simona Valletta give an overview on starting research in hematology. They go through their experience, give advice and talk about the challenges they face.
The podcast starts with the basics of how to get started in hematology research, starting how to come up with research ideas and how to develop these ideas into projects. Our guests continue with their view on PhD programmes, where they give advice to those who want to start a PhD or a research focused career. Anastasia, Maria and Simona recollects how rewarding their PhD experience was and emphasizes the importance of motivation, resilience and persistence in research. A PhD shapes you Simona says. Last but not least, they delve into the topic of research funding and their experiences in writing grants.
Dr Anatasia Conti
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milan, Italy
Assoc Prof Maria Paola Martelli
University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Dr Simona Valletta
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Host: Prof Kirsten Grønbæk
Rigshospitalet and BRIC, Copenhagen, Denmark
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