We start the episode discussing the "Path of the Panther" documentary which you can see now on Disney+.
Our guests are authors Anders and Beverly Gyllenhaal whose book "A Wing and a Prayer: The Race to Save our Vanishing Birds" takes special interest in the Florida Seaside Sparrow. Follow the Gyllenhaal's on their blog, flyinglessons.us.
On this episode, we mentioned White Oak Conservation in Yulee, Project Principalis and the Ivory Billed woodpecker and the Recovering America's Wildlife Act.
If you're interested in this topic, check out previous episodes on flamingos, the Florida scrub jay, the bald eagle, Florida Panthers, North Atlantic right whales, the Florida Wildlife Corridor, Ed Ball and native plants.
Hurricane season is here and that means it's time to get serious about securing your home or business from hurricane wind damage. The best people to do that are at windstormproducts.com.
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