Welcome back to episode 12 of Tab Talk
Get Ready for a deep dive into everything from the house of cards that is the airline points industry all the way to plant hoarding.
First up is Duuce, the marketplace for buying and selling newsletters online. Some are overvalued and some are a steal.
New Zealand is banning Tobacco. They are raising the legal age every year until people born in 2008 can never smoke. Is it people's right to consume tobacco?
A menswear company that makes award-winning clothes out of copper? Oren brings another deep dive into a fascinating piece of fashion.
Solid Basics is a blanks company that provides blanks to your favorite streetwear brands, Colin discovered them through a niche tik toker.
Plants are sick...and people are hoarding them? Oren brings a tab nobody saw coming. The underground world of plant hoarding is blowing up all over tik tok. And people are going into debt to buy them...
Many airline points programs EXCEED the value of the actual airline. Operating flights have become a loss leader for their points program. Believe it or not, some airlines points programs are worth 5x what the entire market caps of the busineeses are.
Plus as always James Explains what a "Tiger Team" is and the guys talk about their yeild farm of the hour