Episode description
00:00 When should one change themselves?
04:47 Why must microwaves beep?
12:45 Reasonable limits on browser tabs
18:00 Sandal purchase enthusiasm
23:45 What is the threshold of knowledge?
26:09 Lessons from a Naruto character
30:10 Multitasking; listening while working
34:10 Converting each other
41:54 Does it matter if you're wrong?
43:12 How and why we write (with nerdy stats)
48:45 Hanna's extreme data hoarding
51:37 Ideas have people - thought canyons
58:46 That is not the title of the show
- Lesson from a show https://medium.com/@barearamon/how-pain-changes-us-a-lesson-from-itachi-uchiha-4581bcc0e111
- Sounds for focus https://www.brain.fm