Have you ever loved a book so much that when you finished it, you just sat in stunned silence for a moment?
How did the author get these ideas? you ask. Maybe you turn to Google and find some witty response from the author, or nothing at all.
For aspiring writers, this can be maddening! If each book is an invention, ideas are the schematics and blueprints. I want to know how you built this!
Today on the Vocabbett podcast, we're diving into the "behind the scenes" of how authors get their ideas, drawing on the work of bestselling author Barbara Mertz, who is perhaps better known by her pen name "Elizabeth Peters."
I was able to do original research on Mertz's creative process for my Master's degree, going through countless boxes of her notes, outlines, and manuscripts just after they donated by her estate. Most hadn't even been archived by the librarians yet!
What I learned was invaluable for anyone who wants to write a book. It was like being a fly on the wall as a new product is being invented, and getting to take notes at the same time!
How are bestselling ideas born? Tune into the Vocabbett podcast to find out!