Jared Arcari (Fordham Law ‘19) offers an overview of privacy policies and some of the most common privacy laws that US-based businesses will encounter, as well as how to draft a privacy policy that will protect your business from lawsuits. Please note: this podcast was researched and prepared by Daphny Lazarus (Fordham Law ‘18) before the recent GDPR regulations were put in place, and therefore some of the information contained in this podcast may not be GDPR compliant.
Episode Roadmap:
● [:30] Jared Arcari introduces himself as a Fordham Law student under the direction of Professor Bernice Grant.
● [1:27] An overview of privacy policies, their importance and the risk of not having one.
● [5:29] CalOPPA requirements and how they affect businesses in every state.
● [7:53] Third-party requirements and notifications subject to the Shine the Light Law and COPPA.
● [11:05] Additional sources of federal and state privacy law liability.
● [12:12] The benefits of hiring an attorney to write a compliant privacy policy and key points to include in the policy.
● [14:16] Sources of privacy law that must be reflected in your privacy policy and assumptions that cannot be made about privacy policies.