Sing to us, o podcast, of a hero, of great height, from the land of bankers
and of the goatherder from Lesbos who followed and did thus back him.
Ships arrived, sent from the cursed land, (Canada) to challenge their throne.
And the men of Twitter did witness wicked men (journalists) in tow.
And who was it that led the quarrel? None but their villainous rival.
“You blaspheme”, said Jeet Heer, against our most sacred idols of worship.
“…Jupiter?”, Jesse then responded. “What? No, you d*****s”, Jeet did say.
“For trans kids!” said Kale Edmiston, and fired a hail of @mentions on them.
Our heroes charged into the discourse, deftly blocked (and muted) each strike
for Kale was no fighter, but a fraud, and in truth, akin to Bardiya.
Soon the two, keyboards raised, gave a cry — for they had won the battle.
Doctor Kale had fled them, dejected. Our heroes cheered when they read it:
"These tweets are protected."
NPR’s article on gender-affirming care for trans youth
Jesse’s Substack article on the situation