Episode description
Let's put a bow on this Donald McNeil Jr. story. McNeil has fired back with a 20,000-word opus about his travails trying to wrangle a group of young prep-schoolers with very strong feelings about social justice -- and without any booze! What did he really say? How did he say it? How did he handle the girl with the Latino/x boyfriend? Katie and Jesse also discuss media unionization and their exciting upcoming orthodontic endeavors.
Show notes/Links:
Donald McNeil Jr.'s Medium series: https://donaldgmcneiljr1954.medium.com/nytimes-peru-n-word-part-one-introduction-57eb6a3e0d95
The Daily Beast's original reporting: https://www.thedailybeast.com/star-new-york-times-reporter-donald-mcneil-accused-of-using-n-word-making-other-racist-comments