Episode description
The show gets off to what feels like its 100th consecutive turbulent start, with Katie seeking solace over a super-personal medical issue. Then the hosts discuss Bill de Blasio's tweet about the Jewish community not following social-distancing rules: Just how meshuga was it? After that, they move on to a conversation over a popular narrative about Boomers and coronavirus, and finish things up by addressing the question on everyone's mind: Is it racist to portray orcs (the fantasy creatures, which aren't real) as uncivilizable?You can follow us on Twitter at @thebarpod (https://mobile.twitter.com/thebarpod) or email us at blockedandreportedpodcast@gmail.com (mailto:blockedandreportedpodcast@gmail.com)
Show notes:
-Bill de Blasio's problematic tweet (https://twitter.com/NYCMayor/status/1255309615883063297)
-Baby Boomers Were Blasé About the Coronavirus? Why Did We Believe That? (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/29/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-baby-boomers.html) (New York Times)
-The Orc Tweet (https://twitter.com/MonkipiQuinn/status/1254197453957459968)
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