Welcome to the first episode of a still-unnamed show. It’s envisioned as a minipodcast by Sounder at Heart. Today is Monday, Aug. 28 and I am Jeremiah Oshan. My hope is to do this podcast every Monday and every morning of a gameday with the intention of sort of seting the table for what just happened or what we expect to happen.
For today’s episode, I’ll be doing a quick breakdown of the Minnesota United match, giving a quick preview of the Austin FC match on Wednesday and looking back on my story about the Sam Adeniran situation
Nos Audietis is the flagship podcast for Sounder at Heart, which became a reader-supported website on Aug. 21. You can support us by becoming a paid subscriber, learn more: https://www.sounderatheart.com/about/
You can also support the show by checking out our line of merch including every past YachtCon design and our latest skull-and-crossbones logo.