Let me guess - you’ve blocked time off to work on your business… you’ve got your cup of coffee (tea or whatever), your desk is cleared, you’re excited to get started, you know you have a strong work ethic and you’re not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get to work … so, you sit down to get something done and the first thoughts that enter your mind are … “What am I supposed to be working on?” “What do I do first?”
There isn’t an entrepreneur out there that hasn’t found themselves in this position - and oftentimes more than once.
So you might be thinking, “That’s all fine, Jill. But, what exactly should I be doing in my business?”
That’s what we’re talking about in this week's episode.
You’re the CEO … let’s break that down and create a CEO workflow.
PS - From Features to Transformation: Selling Your Results
PPS - Keep your eyes and ears peeled for my new webinar coming up where I’ll share how to gain freedom, and move your business forward, even in one hour per day. Registration will be opening soon.
IG: @jill.myhre