The subject line of this episode is 'Crocheting + A Book List + Boundaries' and you're probably thinking - what the heck does this have to do with business? Well stick with me and I’ll show you …
When I first got into crocheting, it was really fun.
I'd find a project I wanted to work on, buy the yarn for it, and get to it.
Then, I started buying yarn without a plan of how to use it. I bought it because I liked the yarn.
Before I knew it, I had beautiful yarn coming out my ears with no plans for any of it.
At first, it felt amazing.
But after a while, it became a burden because I'd look at all the yarn and get overwhelmed. I had
W A Y too many choices.
This has happened to me a few times in the real world — mainly with books and other hobbies.
It's also happened in the digital world.
In fact, I started a trello list of all the books that I "want to read," and there is a ridiculous amount of books on the list. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of books I’ve already purchased but haven't read yet.
My original idea for the list was to help me keep track of what books to read next.
But a list of 300 books on it is completely unusable, especially without a plan.
Putting boundaries around areas that cause overwhelm is so important.
So, let's talk about that ...
PS - The waitlist is now open for my NEW course - Clients, Cash & Freedom: The roadmap to building profit, simplifying your business and enjoying a lifestyle with more freedom. Don’t wait to get on this list.
Being on the waitlist DOES NOT obligate you to purchase or join any program, but it just may give you some specials to take advantage of if you decide to.