Student loans are always a huge burden to bear, but they must never hinder you from achieving your biggest dreams. Stephanie is living proof of how someone dealing with student loans managed to buy her first-ever home – in just three months! Joining David Sidoni, she looks back on her first-time house purchase in 2022, getting through financial hurdles, anxiety, and a highly competitive market. Stephanie shares how finding the right people for support and holding on to faith proved vital in her home-buying success.
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David Sidoni, the "How to Buy a Home Guy," is a seasoned real estate professional and consumer advocate with over 18 years of experience helping first-time homebuyers navigate the real estate market. His podcast, "How to Buy a Home," is a trusted resource for anyone looking to buy their first home. It offers expert advice, actionable tips, and inspiring stories from real first-time homebuyers. With a focus on making the home-buying process accessible and understandable, David breaks down complex topics into easy-to-follow steps, covering everything from budgeting and financing to finding the right home and making an offer.
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