"MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)" dropped, and our thesis this fine day is that the world will never be the same.
Without the benefit of hindsight, we examine why this song and video has ushered in such a watershed moment. Then, we go into what the right-wing backlash means (22:43), why Lil Nas X is not babysitting in his free time for extra cash, and the surprising thing we have in common with F*x N*ws (31:10). To wrap up, we compare this backlash to other conservative vitriol aimed at pop stars in recent history (38:00).
And Introducing is a podcast about words about music. In each episode, co-hosts Chris Wade and Molly O'Brien discuss a different musical artist through the lens of music writing.
They're currently in the midst of a miniseries about Michael Azzerad's Our Band Could Be Your Life, which chronicles the rise of indie rock and the DIY scene in America in the 1980s, with episodes featuring guests like Rob Sheffield and Maria Sherman. You can listen to And Introducing wherever fine podcasts are offered, and of course can always find them at soundcloud.com/and-intro-pod.
The Fun with Friends Podcast explores what happens when you stop overthinking and start doing. It’s a podcast about pushing yourself, trying new things, and getting out there. Whether it’s traveling to a new place, checking items off of your bucket list, or starting your own business, we cover it all. So get out there, try something new, and have some fun!
Links to articles cited today:
The Notes App Note from Lil Nas X
Breaking Down Symbolism In Lil Nas X's "Montero" Music Video (Buzzfeed)
Lil Nas X and the Anti-Pop Conservative Outrage Machine (Vulture)
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