Meet Cute Presents: The Girls’ Girls - Part 3, Callie and Maeve succeeded in getting "James G" to bite on their fake profile. But when he arrives on the date with "Taylor", their fictional character, the pay off isn't as great as they imagined. Callie is determined to learn why but discovers something totally unexpected.
Story by Kyra Noonan. Produced and Directed by Mia Walker. Sound Design and Editing by UptownWorks - Bailey Trierweiler, Daniela Hart, Noel Nichols. SVP, Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Head of Development: Savannah Hankinson. Starring: Simone Policano, Mona Swain, Chandler Rosenthal, Gabe Greenspan. Special Thanks: Kevin Pham, Brianna Ormsby. In partnership with Talea Beer Co.
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