Meet Cute Presents: Mall Brats - Part 1. Chaos Queen Maxine starts her first (ever) job at the Clinique counter at the Mall and fights her boredom by trying to turn it into the journalistic exposé of the century.
Story by Ashley Brooke Roberts. Produced & Directed by: Ashley Eskew. Sound Design: Ashley Eskew. Sound Editing & Mixing: Ryan Burkhard. Story Editor: Amarlie Foster. Director of Creative Production: Lucie Ledbetter. Starring: Deanna Giulietti, Mary Elizabeth Kelly, Gabe Greenspan.
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Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.
Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN.
Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS.
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