Due to previous disrespectful content, the BS de Résistance team gets a visit from the Civility Fairy. Jake tries to escape from the White House, while Lyssa struggles to prevent a nuclear nightmare. Things go downhill from there.
Written by Lyssa Graham and Dale Leopold.
Rebecca Davis
Lyssa Graham
Dale Leopold
Nancy McLemore
Chris Mezzolesta
Karyn O'Bryant
George Washington III
Special appearance by:
Brian Amador
Alisa Amador
Original music composed and performed by Chris Mezzolesta.
"Miller's Incel-ebration" written by Dale Leopold & Chris Mezzolesta, performed by Chris Mezzolesta
"Civility Futility" written by Lyssa Graham, Dale Leopold and Chris Mezzolesta, performed by Rebecca Davis
"Devil's Lament" written by Dale Leopold & Chris Mezzolesta, performed by George Washington III.
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