In the last 13 years, Melissa has worked with over 10 marketing agencies/contractors to execute a content strategy. Most couldn't deliver on their promise. It was incredibly frustrating. You may have experienced something similar.
The vicious cycle went something like this:
→ Hire company experienced in digital marketing for min 3-6 months
→ Get proposal of new content strategy because old one was bad
→ Technical and content audit, keyword research
→ Receive mediocre pieces of content
→ Realize company is not a good fit
→ Start over after spending $10k+
Most writers wrote for the sake of generating more clicks without a deep understanding of our business and customers. As a result, their content was basic and boring. Most pieces were not written for the advanced business users they wanted to attract.
Melissa and Todd finally decided to take back control and learn SEO and content writing from the ground up.
• Why marketing agencies suck
• The importance of owning your SEO when it's a primary revenue source
• Benefits of knowing how SEO and content works
• How to own your SEO, and skills required
• Companies that can help you on this journey
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