Episode description
The Boardgame Specialist Podcast Episode 113:
Top 100: 10 to 1
IG: boardgamespecialist
FB: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
IG: mels_boardgame_room
FB Mel's Board Game Room
YouTube: Mel's Board Room
[2:22] Tea Garden
[9:49] Rocketmen
[18:08] Darwin's Journey
[24:41] Mansions of Madness
[29:33] Wingspan
[34:18] Railways of the World
[38:14] La Granja
[44:39] Memoir'44
[49:48] Earth
[55:02] Blood Rage
[59:53] Clans of Caledonia
[1:06:19] Expeditions
[1:10:23] Grand Austria Hotel
[1:16:20] Lords of Waterdeep
[1:21:16] Castles of Mad King Ludwig
[1:24:24] Ceylon
[1:29:31] Everdell
[1:35:37] Thebes
[1:41:23] Viticulture
[1:45:17] Legendary Encounters Alien
[1:50:20] Castle of Burgundy
[1:53:23] Dune Imperium Uprising