Melanie chats about games with designer and publisher, Wes Woodbury from Fundamental Games.
[00:01:35] Wingspan
[00:03:40] Terraforming Mars
[00:05:30] Dominion
[00:07:00] Quacks of Quedlinburg
[00:07:33] Lost Ruins of Arnak
[00:09:12] How Wes got into board game design
[00:10:50] Legend of Novus
[00:13:10] Die in the Dungeon
[00:16:15] Dungeon Maker
[00:18:30] How Wes's ideas come to him and then turn into design
[00:22:00] How many changes made before final product
[00:23:44] Who makes the final copy
[00:25:00] How many prototype are made
[00:25:55] How to find content creators to spread the word
[00:27:00] Playtesting
[00:28:48] Kickstarter process
[00:30:50] Costs of production
[00:32:00] Emotions during kickstarter campaign
[00:34:12] Forge
[00:38:19] How long the campaign will run
[00:39:16] Plans for when Forge will ship out
[00:42:53] Tips for board game design
[00:45:00] Solo mode
[00:46:00] How Forge plays