Carla and Melanie discuss their gaming related resolutions for the year 2023.
[00:01:16] Barking kitten
[00:01:30] Endangered
[00:01:40] 3000 Soundrels
[00:01:45] Parks
[00:02:27] Furnace
[00:04:20] Thebes
[00:07:20] Wolf
[00:09:03] Green Team Wins
[00:09:22] Poetry for Neanderthals
[00:10:35] Chameleon
[00:12:32] Azul Chocolatier
[00:12:40] Wayfarers of the South Tigris
[00:12:50] Astra
[00:13:33] Cathedral
[00:14:04] Photograph
[00:14:13]Mamma Mia
[00:14:20] Winter
[00:15:02] Exit
[00:15:34] Paris
[00:15:39] Annapurna & Momiji
[00:16:08] Akropolis
[00:16:12] Mr. Jack New York
[00:16:16] Suspects
[00:19:58] Better game organization solution
[00:21:04] Play first RPG
[00:24:30] Take better game pictures
[00:27:09] Keep shelf of shame at 2% of collection
[00:29:35] Do not get more games then I have room for
[00:30:47] Play the whole T Series
[00:33:15] Play old favorites
[00:35:05] Play through the alphabet, one game per letter
[00:36:35] Do not buy every version of a single game
[00:38:18] Keep shelf of shame at 20%
[00:40:08] Play all my Uwe Rosenburg games
[00:42:10] Create more and better content for youtube channel
[00:45:42] Play with 10 new people on board game arena
[00:47:07] Play more with family and regular game group
[00:49:19] Stop buying every expansion
[00:51:17] Get more people into board games
[00:54:54] Play more puzzle/crime solving/escape room games
[00:56:45] Emerald Flame
[00:56:51] Adrift & Light in the Mist
[00:57:35] Murder Mystery party game
[00:57:40] Cold case files
[00:57:47] Hunt a killer Nanct Drew