In this episode Carla and Melanie list their favorite real time games.
You can find Melanie and Carla at...
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
Istagram: boardgamespecialist
facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
[00:00:44] Tempura
[00:02:46] Framework
[00:03:07] Cacao
[00:05:02] Trek 12
[00:08:02] Delicious
[00:11:04] Verdant
[00:15:01] Beyond Baker Street
[00:19:24] Endless Winter
[00:25:30] Bullet
[00:27:16] Magic Maze
[00:32:02] Dutch Blitz
[00:35:23] Pandemic Rapid Resonse
[00:38:25] Color Addict
[00:41:25] Kitchen rush
[00:43:58] Stay Cool
[00:46:52] Escape Room the Game
[00:50:45] Nine Tiles Panic
[00:54:45] Ricochet Robots
[00:57:12] Word Slam
[01:00:40] Sorcerer City
[01:03:19] Pictomania
[01:06:35] Galaxy Trucker
[01:10:20] Word on the Street
[01:14:00] Escape Curse of the Temple
[01:18:41] Railpass
[01:21:58] Sorcerer City
[01:25:09] Kero
[01:29:00] Times Up Title Recall/ Monikers