Carla and Melanie list their favorite area control games.
Reach Melanie on
Facebook: Mel & Friend's Board Game Room
Instagram: Mels_Boardgame_Room
YouTube: Mel's Boardgame Room
Reach Carla on
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
[00:01:30] Sunset Over Water
[00:03:42] Boonlake
[00:04:44] Break the Code
[00:06:28] The Guild of Merchants Explorers
[00:07:42] Canopy
[00:09:26] Canvas
[00:10:55] Istanbul dice game
[00:11:58] Cover Your Assets
[00:14:28] Hansa Teutonica/ El Grande
[00:14:42] Godfather Corleons Empire
[00:15:52] Ank Gods of Egyot
[00:17:23] Pandoria
[00:20:44] Kero
[00:23:25] Blue Lagoon
[00:26:21] Imhotep
[00:30:30] Mission Red Planet
[00:34:33] Chinatown
[00:38:15] Petrichor
[00:41:26] Bunny Kingdom
[00:45:27] Viral
[00:47:46] Belfort
[00:51:42] Civilization a New Dawn
[00:54:46] Chinatown
[00:55:51] Foundations of Rome
[01:00:10] Lords of Vegas
[01:04:55] Memoir 44
[01:08:13] Carcassonne
[01:11:48] Bloodrage
[01:15:10] Melodice