In this episode Carla and Melanie talk about their favorite small dice games.
[00:01:12] Barenpark
[00:01:53] Star Wars Jabbas Palace
[00:02:26] Pandemic the Cure
[00:03:19] Skull
[00:03:33]Alien the Fate of the Nostromo
[00:04:07] Raiders of the North Sea
[00:05:21] Stardew Valley
[00:06:08] Cash & Guns
[00:07:03] Architects of the West Kingdom Works of Wonder
[00:07:58] Carpe Diem
[00:10:20] Unfair
[00:11:30] Chinatown
[00:15:52] Genotype
[00:17:13] Carcassonne the Dice Game
[00:18:54] Flash
[00:21:36] Can't Stop Express
[00:24:38] Tenzi
[00:27:04] Spicy Dice
[00:29:39] LCR
[00:32:45] Popcorn Dice
[00:35:33] Farkle
[00:38:57] Twenty One
[00:42:30] Trash Pandas
[00:45:21] Qwantum
[00:48:42] Zombie Dice
[00:51:51] Strike & Impact
[00:55:42] Dice and Dragon
[01:00:01] Romisch Pokern
[01:02:54] Castles of Burgundy the Dice Game
[01:05:25] Piraten Kapern
[01:07:57] Bang the Dice Game