Rewire VP of Law and the Courts Jessica Mason Pieklo joins Lindsay Beyerstein for a special episode on abortion access to mark the launch of Rewire’s first original documentary, “Care in Chaos.” Anti-choice activists are already testing the federal government’s commitment to enforcing the FACE Act, which makes it a federal crime to blockade an abortion clinic. If the federal government won’t defend the rule of law, we could be looking at a return to the tactics of the “Summer of Mercy,” when thousands of anti-choice protesters physically blocked access to clinics in Wichita, KS.
“Care in Chaos,” directed by Lindsay Beyerstein and Martyna Starosta, follows a 27-year-old abortion clinic administrator as she battles anti-choice aggression and law enforcement indifference that threatens safe access for patients and staff.
Recommended Reading:
Ivanka Inc. by Matea Gold, Drew Harwell, Maher Sattar and Simon Denyer for The Washington Post, July 2017