Welcome to the 7th annual Best of the RRP Anthology — our way of taking a moment to reflect on the year, express gratitude and give thanks for taking this journey with us.
To be honest, I didn’t think we could top 2018 -- but we did. It’s been an incredible year. I'm deeply indebted to all my extraordinary guests. And unbelievably proud of the library we dedicated ourselves to creating over the last twelve months.
To prepare for the year ahead, it’s critical to pause. To reflect back. Celebrate the victories. Take inventory of the missteps. And visualize the goals you wish to self-actualize in the months ahead. I believe in this process. And I feel strongly that 2020 holds the potential energy manifest your aspirations.
It is in this spirit that we created a tradition of closing each year with a look in the rear view with a 2-episode compilation of clips excerpted from many of year's best guests.
Consider these next two shows as a love letter. My way of saying thank you. I see you. I believe in you. And I believe in the power we all have to do, be and live better. To step into our best, most authentic selves. And in turn, share freely what we have learned in service of others.
For long-time listeners, the next two episodes are intended to launch you into 2020 with renewed vigor and intention. Lean in to the wisdom. Leverage it to clarify your 2020 goals.
If you're newer to the show, my hope is that this anthology will prime you to peruse the back catalog and check out episodes you may have missed.
Links to the full episodes excerpted in this anthology can be found in the below show notes.
You can watch it all go down on YouTube (with the exception of the Gemma Newman, Jack Dorsey and Kevin Smith excerpts, episodes that we did not film)
Here's to an extraordinary 2020. Join me, and let's make it the best year ever -- together.