Bonnie Oscarson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah but her family moved and lived in several different states as she was growing up. She attended Brigham Young University and majored in commercial art. Bonnie met her husband, Paul Oscarson, when her family lived in St. Louis, Missouri. They are the parents of seven children and have 29 fascinating grandchildren. Paul and Bonnie served as mission president and companion in the Sweden Gothenburg Mission as a young couple and then returned to Sweden in 2009 to serve as president and matron of the Stockholm Sweden Temple. She finally finished her bachelor’s degree from BYU in British and American Literature 41 years after she first began. (She is glad she did it but doesn’t recommend that educational plan.) Bonnie was called to serve as the Young Women general president in April 2013 and released in April 2018. Since her release she is enjoying spending time with those grandchildren and catching up on her reading. Bonnie and Paul recently moved to Provo where they serve as ordinance workers in the Provo Temple and as ecclesiastical leaders in the Provo Missionary Training Center.
02:15 Kurt introduces Bonnie Oscarson. 03:00 Bonnie talks about her upbringing and background. 8:45 Leadership opportunities. When Bonnie was 25 and her husband was 29 years old, they were called to serve as mission leaders in Sweden. 12:20 Stepping up to a big calling at a young age 18:30 Preparation for her calling as the general young women’s president 18:50 The Lord knows what's coming. Bonnie talks about how leadership callings and going back to school prepared her for what was to come. 23:10 Being called as matron to the Stockholm temple 25:40 Her biggest takeaway from serving at the temple was, “To see the hand of the Lord so clearly.” The daily miracles. 27:30 Getting called to be the general young women's president and choosing counselors 33:00 Feeling inadequate in her new calling and how God pulled her through 34:20 Starting out as the Young Women general president. Do I change things? 40:00 Speaking in conference isn’t hard. Writing the talk is hard. 43:20 What Bonnie learned in her time traveling and visiting other places 45:00 Bonnie’s advice to a new Young Women presidency. Learn how to follow the Spirit. 48:20 Issues and things they focused on when Bonnie was Young Women general president. 54:00 Speaking up in ward council; Women struggling to feel heard in councils 58:15 What Bonnie’s up to today: Serving in the temple and MTC. 59:10 Bonnie’s final thoughts on leadership
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