Have you ever thought about switching careers and diving into a completely new industry? In this episode of 'Making It in the Toy Industry,' student host Virginia takes the reins to interview Chrissy Fagerholt, a former floral designer turned toy entrepreneur. As one of the first graduates of the Toy Creators Academy (TCA), Chrissy shares her incredible journey, discussing the challenges and triumphs she experienced while getting her products licensed by heavyweights like Mattel and Goliath. From her initial licensed game, Friend or Faux, to her newest hit, Girls in Bar Bathrooms, Chrissy provides a backstage look into what it takes to succeed in the toy industry.
In this episode, listeners will gain valuable insights into the nuances of the toy business including the critical role of industry education, the financial realities of self-funding, and the power of social media marketing. Chrissy also gives an honest account of balancing creativity with business management and what aspiring inventors can expect if they choose to follow in her footsteps. Whether you’re an inventor, entrepreneur, or someone with a keen interest in the toy industry, this episode offers a treasure trove of insider tips and inspirational stories.
Listen For These Important Moments
Popular Masterclass! How To Make & Sell Your Toy Ideas
Your Low-Stress, Start-To-Finish Playful Product Launch In 5 Steps
>> https://learn.thetoycoach.com/masterclass <<