She came back!!! Proof that the work I'm doing on this podcast is good and the interviews aren't too much torture!
In this episode, we pick back up where we left off. Jen was a Home Invasion Detective who promoted to Sergeant. She describes her experiences as a Sergeant: Patrol, Detectives, Internal Affairs until she is promoted to Lieutenant! She was a Patrol Commander, SWAT, and PIO!
I love that she pointed out that the job is not easy, but so many invest their lives to being good at this, even to their own detriment. We've known so many whose personal lives fell apart for the sake of showing up at work in an extraordinary way. That's why I have so much respect for the men and women who prioritize themselves and their families! It's not an easy choice, but it's the correct one, every time! Enjoy retirement Jen, you earned it!
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