I am so excited for you all to meet Nancy. She is hopefully the first of many "civilian" interviews on this show... I knew who Nancy was on the police department, but what I did not know was that she started her career as Crime Scene Technician. I always just knew her as the Property/ Evidence Superintendent!
One day I saw her commenting on episodes on the Choir Practice FB page. I also noticed, through FB, that she was courageously fighting her own personal battle with breast cancer, and winning. I knew right then that I needed to have her on the show sooner than later to share her career and experiences with you all. So please, give her a warm welcome to "The Squad!"
We had a great conversation and she had quite a few stories I believe you all are going to love.
Come see me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/choir.practice.94
or on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cp_sfaf/