Kristin Ouellette Muskat is a Certified OOUX Strategist who is the Principal User Experience Designer at Coforma, and has worked in the government space for years. In this episode of podcast, Sophia and Kristin discuss why it's important to work at a sustainable pace, yak shaving in government work, how working in government differs from private companies, plus OOUXing the law.
The OOUX Happy Hour: OOUX in Government - A Panel Discussion
Cast your vote: What (live) online training should Sophia provide to you next? (This poll is only open to OOUX Masterclass and Certification students)
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Read about Sophia's Mini-Sabbatical: creating an anti-plan for Whimsy January on The OOUX Forum
Listen to Ezra Klein's podcast interview with Jennifer Pahlka: The Book I Wish Every Policy Maker Would Read