We’re still on a summer break but in the meantime we are delighted to share with you an episode from friend of the show, Cyber Empathy which Lianne appeared on earlier this year. In this episode Lianne discussed how she hates the term ‘weakest link’ when talking about our colleagues, how the language that we use in cybersecurity can be incredibly harmful to our cybersecurity posture, and how she applies her skills as an anthropologist to her organisation.
Key Takeaways:
Why Anthropology and Cybersecurity Make for Good Bedfellows - Cybercriminals are most successful when they aim for the human element. Knowing what it means to be human continues to be very important for facing emerging cybersecurity threats!
When Was the Last Time You Gave a Gift? Lianne discusses how the giving of ‘gifts’ in your organisation might just lead people to bond with your message through the principle of reciprocity.
Trust Issues? In cybersecurity our whole schtick is trust issues, but does it have to be that way? If we trusted people a little more, could they help us in the fight against cybersecurity criminals?
Tell Me a Story - Storytelling is the crux of human existence and one of our main drivers of our evolution - and yet in cybersecurity, despite having exciting stories to tell, we instead drone on about MFA! Lets make cybersecurity interesting again through storytelling!
Show Notes
Full show notes can be found at the source on Cyber Empathy
About Andra Zaharia
Andra is a cybersecurity communication manager focused on organic growth and fighting infosec marketing cliches to make content that people actually enjoy. She is also the creator of the award-winning podcast Cyber Empathy where she shares stories of kindness, curiosity and connections that show how humans shape online security and privacy.
LINKS FOR Andra Zaharia
Andra’s Website
Andra’s Podcast
Andra’s LinkedIn
Thank you kindly to Cyber Empathy for giving us permission to share this episode!
cybersecurity, storytelling, trust, anthropology, empathy, reciprocity