This week we are joined by Helena Hill, a seasoned UX Strategist and Consultant and AI expert with a wealth of experience spanning diverse clients, from pre-start-ups to global industry giants.
Last week Helena taught us how we in the cybersecurity team can effectively use the User experience team, and its principles to improve our security controls and create a better journey. If you’ve not listened to that episode yet, do check it out.
This episode we’re asking Helena about her other expertise in AI and how cybersecurity teams can use tools like ChatGPT to make our lives easier
We’ll touch upon cybersecurity concerns around AI, but mostly this will be a practical episode on how to get the most out of these exciting tools.
This episode concludes season 1 and we’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported this journey, either by just listening, sharing, subscribing, leaving a review or providing feedback.
We can’t thank you enough for lending your ears and your thoughts on this rather unusual approach to talking about cybersecurity by only speaking to non-cybersecurity professionals!
And of course, a huge thank you to all our kind guests who have been so generous with their time and expertise. But this is not the end of compromising positions! We have enough episodes already recorded to last us well into summer next year and we intend to keep bring you fantastic guests and new insights for all of 2024.
We’re going to a few weeks off in January but you won’t have to go cold turkey! We’ll be releasing a AI special mini-series, shorts for our 12 days of breachmas and trailers for season 2!
Links to everything Helena discussed in this episode can be found in the show notes and if you liked the show, please do leave us a review.
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It really helps us spread the word and get high-quality guests, like Helena, on future episodes.
We hope you enjoyed this episode - See you next time, keep secure, and don’t forget to ask yourself, ‘Am I the compromising position here?’