In this episode, our guest Josh Nesbitt, CTO of Glean a Leeds EdTech startup, shares his insights on securing the data of vulnerable people, the importance of accessibility and compliance in production-ready products, and the challenges of achieving usability, functionality, and security in concert.
Join us as we debunk common misconceptions around agile and explore how security teams can be more creative in their approach. We’ll talk about how to use tooling and engagement to get engineers and security teams on the same page.
Links to everything Josh discussed in this episode can be found in the show notes and if you liked the show, please do leave us a review and share on LinkedIin or in your teams, it really helps us spread the word and get high-quality guests, like Josh, on future episodes.
We hope you enjoyed this episode - See you next time, keep secure, and don’t forget to ask yourself, ‘Am I a compromising position here?’
Great blogs on how Shopify do engineering:
The ‘curse of knowledge’ Jeff mentioned came from our discussions with Christian Hunt - Check out his episodes here
Rubocop - A Ruby static code analyser
About Josh
Josh is a software engineer and technical leader based in the UK. He’s been working on the web for the last 17 years, and during that time, he’s worked with a wide range of clients, from indie start-ups to some of the largest organisations in the world. His work spans from hands-on projects building large platforms to leading some of the best-performing teams in our industry.
Alongside his work as a consultant, he also runs an internationally recognised conference called All Day Hey!, which brings people from all over the world to the heart of Leeds to learn, inspire and share stories.
Links Related to Josh Nesbitt:
Josh on Linkedin:
Josh at Hey! Including his amazing conference ALL DAY HEY!:
Josh’s podcast: