Our guest this week is Ted Seides. Ted hosts the popular “Capital Allocators” podcast, where each week he interviews leaders in the investing and finance fields, including hedge fund managers, endowment chiefs, and prominent academics. Prior to launching “Capital Allocators,” Ted was a founding partner at Protégé Partners, a firm that invested in and seeded hedge funds. Ted began his career at the Yale University Investment Office before doing stints at Stonebridge Partners and J.H. Whitney & Company. Ted recently published a book reflecting on his conversations with investment leaders and experts entitled Capital Allocators: How the World's Elite Money Managers Lead and Invest. Ted earned his bachelor's degree from Yale University and his MBA from Harvard Business School. He is also a CFA charterholder.
BackgroundOutsourcing and Complexity“Drew Dickson—Blending Behaviors and Fundamentals at Albert Bridge Capital (First Meeting, Ep. 13),” Capitalallocatorspodcast.com, Nov. 24, 2019.
Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have all the Facts by Annie Duke
“The Surprising Cost of Volatility,” by Ted Seides, Capitalallocatorspodcast.com, April 26, 2010.
“The Future of Long-Short Equity,” by Ted Seides, cfainstitute.org, April 11, 2013.
Portfolios and Investment CommitteesTed Seides’ personal portfolio
How I Invest My Money: Finance Experts Reveal How They Save, Spend, and Invest by Joshua Brown and Brian Portnoy
Pioneering Portfolio Management: An Unconventional Approach to Institutional Investment, by David Swensen
“Scott Malpass—The Fighting Irish’s Twelfth Man (Ep. 25),” Capitalallocatorspodcast.com, Sept. 18, 2017.
“Michael Mauboussin—Consilient Observations in a Crisis (Ep. 127),” Capitalallocatorspodcast.com, March 22, 2020. 2020.