Today on the podcast, we welcome back financial planning guru and Michael Kitces. I recently had the chance to catch up with Michael to get his take on asset allocation, specifically whether higher yields should have an impact on where investors hold their money. Today’s podcast is a recording of that conversation. Michael is the head of planning strategy for Buckingham Strategic Wealth, co-founder of XY Planning Network and AdvicePay and is the chief financial planning nerd—and yes, that’s his real title—for the advisor education platform and the Nerd’s Eye View blog. You can follow him via Twitter @MichaelKitces or on LinkedIn.
Investing Safe Assets
“Where Should Investors Stash Their Safe Money Today?” Video interview with Michael Kitces and Christine Benz,, April 19, 2023.
“Kitces: Where to Park 3 Types of Client Cash,” by Dinah Wisenberg Brin,, April 20, 2023.
“Client Cash Management: Why It’s Important, and the Next Generation of Technology to Make It Better,” by Ben Henry-Moreland,, Aug. 22, 2022.
Rising Yields, Asset Allocation, Retirement Withdrawals
“How Rising Yields Should Affect Asset Allocation for Retirees, Preretirees,” Video interview with Michael Kitces and Christine Benz,, May 3, 2023.
“The ‘Yield-Split’ Method of Asset Allocation to Improve Tax Efficiency of Index Funds,” by Chris Murray,, March 30, 2022.
“Increasing Retirement Withdrawal Rates Through Asset Allocation,” by Michael Kitces and Wade Pfau,
“8 Inflation Conversations for Financial Advisors to Have With Clients,” by Ben Henry-Moreland,, April 27, 2022.
“Is Private Debt Worth Considering as an (Alternative) Asset Class in Client Portfolios?” by Larry Swedroe,, Jan. 18, 2023.
“The Extraordinary Upside Potential of Sequence of Return Risk in Retirement,” by Michael Kitces,, Feb. 20, 2019.
“Kitces: ‘The Model Has to Change Again,’” The Long View podcast,, June 5, 2019.
“Michael Kitces: Does Portfolio Customization Pay Off?” The Long View podcast,, Aug. 23, 2022.