Our guest on the podcast today is Tadas Viskanta. Tadas is the director of investor education at Ritholtz Wealth Management. He's also the founder and editor of the popular financial and investing blog Abnormal Returns, which he launched in 2005. Tadas is the author of the book Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere and has coauthored a number of papers that have appeared in esteemed academic publications like the Financial Analysts Journal. Tadas earned his bachelor's degree in economics and political science from Indiana University and his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Twitter: @abnormalreturns
Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies From the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere by Tadas Viskanta
Investor Education
“Financial Literacy vs. a Fiduciary Standard: Which Matters More?” by Tadas Viskanta, abornormalreturns.com, May 26, 2019.
“What Has the Stock Market Taught Us Since 2010? ” by Ben Carlson, awealthofcommonsense.com, Sept. 10, 2021.
“Earning the Permission of Your Audience,” by Tadas Viskanta, abnormalreturns.com, Feb. 21, 2021.
“Keys to Social Media Success: Curiosity, Conversation, and Patience,” by Sloane Ortel, cfainstitute.org, May 15, 2016.
Retirement Planning and Personal Finance
“Don’t Short-Circuit Your Financial Plan With an Inflexible Spending Rule,” by Tadas Viskanta, abnormalreturns.com, July 31, 2019.
“Shifting Gears in Retirement Isn’t Easy,” by Tadas Viskanta, abnormalreturns.com, Nov. 23, 2019.
“Social Influence and the Rise of Index Investing,” by Tadas Viskanta, medium.com, Feb. 12, 2017.
Canvas platform, O'Shaughnessy Asset Management
“Not All That Glitters Is Gold With Tadas Viskanta,” ycharts.com, 2021.
The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing, by Michael J. Mauboussin
“Consilient Observer,” by Michael Mauboussin and Dan Callahan