Our guest this week is Social Security and retirement planning expert Mary Beth Franklin. Mary Beth is president of RetirePro and a contributing editor to InvestmentNews. She's a frequent public speaker and she also has her own podcast, "Retirement Repair Shop." In addition to her deep knowledge about retirement planning, Mary Beth is a virtual encyclopedia on the ins and outs of Social Security, especially beneficial claiming strategies. Her most recent book is Maximizing Social Security Retirement Benefits: Everything You Need to Know to Get the Most Out of Complicated New Claiming Rules. Prior to joining InvestmentNews, Mary Beth was tax editor at Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and a Capitol Hill reporter at United Press International. She has also earned the Certified Financial Planner designation.
Mary Beth Franklin InvestmentNews article archive
Mary Beth Franklin Retirement Repair Shop podcast
Pandemic Impact on Retirement, Social Security Planning
“Rethinking Retirement Amid the COVID-19 Crisis,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, May 10, 2020.
“Americans Remain Confident about Their Retirement Prospects,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, April 29, 2020.
Withdrawing Your Social Security Application, SSA.gov.
Suspending Your Retirement Benefits Payments, SSA.gov.
“Pandemic Prompts Some to Rethink Social Security Claiming Strategy," by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, April 7, 2020.
“Escape Hatch for Workers Claiming Social Security Early,” by Mary Beth Franklin, Investment News, April 22, 2020.
“Taking Social Security in the Pandemic: What to Know,” by Mark Miller, The New York Times, April 17, 2020.
“Social Security Has a Quick Cash Solution,” by Mary Beth Franklin, Investment News, May 19, 2020.
“Coronavirus-Related Relief for Retirement Plans and IRAs: Questions and Answers,” IRS.gov.
“Few Use CARES Act to Tap Retirement Savings,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, June 10, 2020.
“How to Fund a Social Security Delay,” by Mary Beth Franklin, Investment News, Aug. 11, 2017.
“Wade Pfau: The 4% Rule Is No Longer Safe,” by Wade Pfau, Christine Benz, and Jeff Ptak, The Long View podcast, April 29, 2020.
“Using Reverse Mortgages in a Responsible Retirement Income Plan,” by Wade Pfau, Retirement Researcher.com.
“Senior-Housing Communities Face Higher Vacancy Rates Amid Coronavirus,” by Peter Grant, The Wall Street Journal, May 12, 2020.
Tax Planning and Retirement
“Stimulus Package Has Helpful Provisions for Retireees,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, April 1, 2020.
“RMD Rollover Relief Granted Under CARES Act,” by Jeff Stimpson, Accounting Today, June 23, 2020.
“Now Is the Time to Convert Your Traditional IRA to a Roth,” by Rodney Brooks, U.S. News & World Report, April 3, 2020.
Social Security Claiming
“Coronavirus Is Closing Social Security Offices: Here’s How to Get Benefit Help,” by Mark Miller, The New York Times, March 17, 2020.
Social Security Retirement Estimator
"Your Retirement Benefit: How It’s Figured," SSA.gov.
“Social Security and Survivor Benefits,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, Feb. 27, 2020.
“Social Security Claiming Strategies for Married Couples,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, Feb. 21, 2020.
“Social Security Strategies for Singles,” by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, AARP.org.
“Social Security Surviving Divorced Spouse Benefits,” Benefits.gov.
“Social Security Widow(er)’s Insurance Benefits," Benefits.gov.
Social Security Financial Health
“Social Security Funding Still Set to Run Out in 2035,” by Mary Beth Franklin, InvestmentNews, April 22, 2020.
"No, You Won't Lose All of Your Social Security Benefits," by Steve Vernon, Forbes.com, April 22, 2020.