Our guest on the podcast today is Nick Maggiulli. He is the author of a new book called "Just Keep Buying: Proven Ways to Save Money and Build Your Wealth." He is also the author of OfDollarsAndData.com, a blog focused on the intersection of data and personal finance. In addition, he is COO and data scientist for Ritholtz Wealth Management. He graduated from Stanford University with a degree in economics.
Just Keep Buying: Proven Ways to Save Money and Build Your Wealth
Personal Finance
“Go Big, Then Stop,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, July 27, 2021.
“The Biggest Lie in Personal Finance,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Feb. 4, 2020.
“The 9 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Sept. 15, 2020.
“Just 5 Years Can Change Your Life,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Dec. 28, 2021.
“We Begin our Lives as Growth Stocks, but end our Lives as Value Stocks,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Nov. 24, 2020.
“How to Spend Money,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Dec. 3, 2019.
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, by Barry Schwartz
Investing and Markets
“Dollar-Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum: The Definitive Guide,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Feb. 25, 2020.
“How Often Does Dollar-Cost Averaging Fail?” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, June 29, 2021.
“We Are All Investors Now,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, July 20, 2021.
“The Yield Curve Just Inverted…Now What?” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, April 5, 2022.
“How to Save for a Big Purchase,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Nov. 17, 2020.
“In Defense of Global Stocks,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, July 6, 2021.
“Why Investing Like Your Neighbors Isn’t as Dumb as It Seems,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Feb. 1, 2022.
“Why You Shouldn’t Pick Individual Stocks,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, April 6, 2021.
“Why Market-timing Can Be So Appealing,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, Jan. 28, 2020.
“When Does Market-timing Work?” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, May 7, 2019.
“Ask Yourself Why,” by Nick Maggiulli, ofdollarsanddata.com, March 28, 2018.