Our guest on the podcast is author and retirement expert Kerry Hannon. Hannon has written 14 books thus far. Her latest is called Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working from Home. She is also a regular contributor to The New York Times, MarketWatch, and Forbes and is the personal finance and entrepreneurship expert on the PBS website NextAvenue.org. Hannon's work focuses on career, financial, and life guidance for midlife workers. She has also written extensively about how women can take charge of their own financial planning. Hannon is a former National Press Foundation Fellow and a former Fellow of the Columbia Journalism School and the Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center's Age Boom Academy. She is also a former MetLife Foundation and New America Media Fellow on Aging. She received a bachelor's degree from Duke University.
Remote Work
"10 Tips To Be a Successful Remote Worker," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Oct. 3, 2020.
"Coronavirus Suddenly Transformed the Workplace," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, May 31, 2020.
"ProBoomer Interview: Work From Home Tips," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, May 24, 2020.
"Is Working Remote a Blessing or Burden? Weighing the Pros and the Cons," by Bryan Robinson, Forbes, June 19, 2020.
"These Simple Habits Can Stop Work-From-Home Burnout," by Kerry Hannon, MarketWatch, Sept. 10, 2020.
"I've Been Working From Home for Years--This Is How to Do It Successfully," by Kerry Hannon, MarketWatch, March 21, 2020.
"Work From Home Is Here to Stay, but It May Put Younger Workers at a Disadvantage," by Juliana Kaplan and Hillary Hoffower, Business Insider, May 29, 2020.
Midlife and Older Workers
"Tips for Finding a Job When You're Over 50," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Oct. 18, 2020.
"Why Working From Home Benefits Older Workers--and Their Employers," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, July 12, 2020.
"Prepare Yourself for the New Job Market," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, June 6, 2020.
"Sorry, 'OK, Boomer'--Workplaces of the Future Will Be Multigenerational," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Feb. 19, 2020.
"Here's Why the Workplace of the Future Must Include Older Workers," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Dec. 29, 2019.
"Why Are People Working Longer? It's Not What You Think," by Kerry Hannon, MarketWatch, Sept. 18, 2020.
"5 Ways to Help Your Aging Workforce Embrace Digital Transformation," by Nick Candito, Entrepreneur, July 12, 2017.
"How to Combat age Discrimination," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Oct. 2, 2016.
"Are You Ready for Your Encore Career?" by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Feb. 25, 2018.
"The Impact of the Coronavirus Recession on Older Workers," by Congressman Don Beyer, Vice Chair of the Joint Economic Committee, August 2020.
Entrepreneurship for Older Adults
"Seven Tips for Starting Your Own Business," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, July 14, 2019.
"At Last, a Co-Working Space for Midlife Entrepreneurs," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Jan. 5, 2020.
Financial Advice for Women
"What Women 50+ Want From Financial Advisers--Much More Than Men," by Kerry Hannon, Forbes, May 21, 2020.
"Why It's Hard for Women to Save for Retirement," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Dec. 7, 2019.
"Four Ways Women Can Get Smarter About Money," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Aug. 6, 2017.
"Facing the Financial Shocks of Widowhood," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, Nov. 12, 2018.
"Women Facing Financial Challenges for Retirement," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, March 3, 2019.
Long-Term Care/Caring for Aging Parents
"Love You, Dad. Alzheimer's Care and My Family's Story," by Kerry Hannon, Forbes, June 17, 2012.
"The 5 Money Lessons I Learned From My Father," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, June 16, 2013.
"Women and Long-Term Care Insurance," by Kerry Hannon, kerryhannon.com, March 4, 2014.
"Must-Know Statistics About Long-Term Care: 2019 Edition," by Christine Benz, morningstar.com, Nov. 25, 2019.
“4 Ways the Pandemic Is Affecting Long-Term Care," by Christine Benz, morningstar.com, Aug. 7, 2020.
"How Does a Pandemic Change Everything?" by Hannah Wolfson, HomeCare, Aug. 4, 2020.
"How Covid-19 Will Shape the Future of Senior Living. New Models of Care, More Aging in Place," by Reshma Kapadia, Barron's, May 29, 2020.