On this week’s episode of The Long View, we recap some of our favorite moments from the podcast so far.
Since the podcast’s launch in May 2019, we’ve had the chance to talk to some of the best portfolio managers, retirement researchers, and financial planners and advisors in the business. It’s been a treat to spend an hour each week chatting with them, and we’ve learned a great deal from each of the interviews.
This week’s episode includes highlights from our interviews with portfolio managers and investment strategists. Next week, we’ll feature some of our favorite clips from interviews with financial planners, advisors, and retirement researchers.
Bill Nygren: 'A Stock That Doesn't Look Cheap on the Surface Might Be One of the Cheapest'
Rob Arnott: Don't Sleep on Value Investing (Especially Emerging-Markets Value)
Rupal Bhansali: FAANG Stocks Are 'Extremely Risky'
Dan Ivascyn: Building a Portfolio to Bend but Not Break
Ben Johnson: Index Funds Are Not 'Zombie Investors'
Dana Emery: You're Not Getting a Valuation Discount for Free
Dennis Lynch: 'Have a Growth Mindset and Be Willing to Learn New Things'
Charles de Vaulx: Why Value Investing Has Slumped but Will Rebound