Our guest this week is Steve Romick. Steve is a portfolio manager at First Pacific Advisors, or, as it's probably better known, FPA. Steve comanages several FPA strategies, including the FPA Crescent Fund as well as the Source Capital closed-end fund. Steve joined FPA in 1996. Before that, he was chairman of Crescent Management and an analyst for Kaplan, Nathan & Co. For his work managing FPA Crescent, Steve was the recipient of the Morningstar U.S. Allocation Fund of the Year Award in 2013 and was previously a nominee for the Morningstar Fund Manager of the Decade Award. Steve earned his bachelor's in Education from Northwestern University and is a CFA charterholder.
Bio and Background
Steve Romick and FPA team bios
FPA Crescent Morningstar “Quicktake” report
FPA Crescent Q2 2020 commentary
FPA Crescent historical asset allocation
FPA Crescent historical performance attribution
Berkshire Hathaway letter from the chairman; 1996