I wrote a short novel called “La aventura de Zunzuncito”. For this fifth season of Simple Stories in Spanish, I will be sharing a chapter from the novel each week. This week is chapter 6! Zunzuncito is a tiny hummingbird. His friend, Monty, is an even smaller frog. The two animals are searching for a magic flower. Zunzuncito hopes that the magic flower will grant his wish to be big. Majá is a Cuban boa. According to Monty, she knows everything. There is just one problem - Zunzuncito is incredibly afraid of snakes and Majá is the biggest snake on the island of Cuba.
This story is told mostly in the the present tense, with only a couplewords in the past (to recap the previous chapters). Repeated words and phrases include “miedo” (fear), “bosque” (woods/forest), “lago” (lake) “caracoles” (snails), “apretar” (to squeeze), “lejos” (far) and “cerca” (near). No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at https://smalltownspanishteacher.com/2021/10/10/simple-stories-in-spanish-la-aventura-de-zunzuncito-capitulo-5-2/
¡Muchas gracias por escuchar! Thank you for listening, and a HUGE thank you for your support. I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories in Spanish. If you would like to help me in that endeavor, consider buying me a taco at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SpanishTeacher